Saturday, September 17, 2005

5 Reasons Why I Love Brooke - #1

Brooke is going out of town for a few days with her brother to visit the family in Alabama.  I never like it when Brooke is gone.  Rather than just mope, I thought I'd post five reasons (one for each day she is gone) why I love my wife.

Reason Number 1
Brookie, you are my best friend and I want to share everything that happens in my life with you.  Some things we experience together, but even the things we do apart I want to share with you.  If I win a racquetball game, I want to come home and tell you about it.  When I go shooting, I can't wait to come home and show you the targets.  If I hear a funny joke, you're the first one I want to tell it to.  If something hurts or upsets me during the day, I want to find you to talk about it. When I watch our daughter growing up, of course I want to find you...nobody else could understand how I feel about that except you.  I want to share it all with you because you are part off my life.  There is no Rob without Brooke.  I know you're not really into racquetball, and I know my gun targets just look like a piece of paper with holes in it to you, but you listen because you love me...and I love you for that.  I'm glad you are getting to visit your family for a few days this week, but I'm going to miss my best friend!

I love you,

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