Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I Love My Job

A friend asked me tonight how my day was. My reply was what it often is when people ask, "Keeping busy. Not too much exciting going on." That's how I like it...always enough to do (for today AND tomorrow) and nothing too crazy going on.

I suppose my friend was asking about my life in general, but I was thinking about my job when I answered. I love my job. Here are a few reasons why

  • This picture, for instance. Pastor David took it (a LONG time ago). He also happens to be the same one who "edited" it so nicely. It's nice to have a boss who is fun. I like the fact that I can laugh with Pastor, play racquetball with him and even exchange paint balls (and the bruises that go with them). He's never had to say, "You do what I say because I'm the boss." He leads by example and is easy to follow. No matter how much I grow spiritually or in my job, he's always growing too, so I can always look up to him.
  • Our staff makes a great team. Different personalities, different gifts, one serve our church and reach people for Christ. Eva, who cleans the church, is the picture of steadfastness and a great example of standing firm in the midst of some of the worst stuff life can throw your way. Shaun, our youth pastor, is a great friend who has taught me a lot about what it means to love people. If you need help, Shaun will do anything to help you (even to his own hurt). Tammy is our church secretary and definitely one of the hardest workers on staff. Her job requires her to be involved in most every aspect of what goes on at the church, but when something needs to be done outside of her official job duties, nobody has to tell her what to do...she just jumps in and helps get it done. Stan is an associate pastor who will be planting his own church in just a few months. I enjoy having a friend like him I can be real with....about my personal life and the personal struggles in ministry. And then there's my other friend, Brad, who is our worship leader. I don't feel called to a speaking/traveling ministry, but if I ever did that, I would want to take Brad with me. He's anointed, he's real, he can make me laugh and he can take something simple and make me go "hhmmmmm" thinking about it much deeper than I would have before. Our newest staff member is Jason, and it's pretty cool working with him because he grew up in youth group when I was youth pastor. He is our audio/visual guy and he does a great job, but it's awesome getting to watch him step into ministry opportunities and grow in those areas as well. He has a real heart and passion for God that challenges and encourages me. And then there is our children's director, Brooke. She loves kids, loves having fun, loves making people happy and loves using exclamation marks whenever she writes anything!!!! She's just a bubbly, happy person who wants to make everybody else happy. And did I mention how cute she is? I hope you don't think it's inappropriate for me to say that...or think that it's inappropriate that I sneak over to her office and steal a quick kiss from time to time. (She's my wife if you didn't know.)
  • OK, my list is getting too long now. Brooke will accuse me of writing a book and Jason will not have time to read my whole post. I will end with this one last thing I like about my job. I like the fact that I have new opportunities to learn and grow. I don't like too much "adventure" in my life, but I like a challenge and an opportunity to grow. I don't so much like the things I learn while putting in my first toilet by myself and stuff like that, but I do appreciate the opportunities to grow working with people, taking on new responsibilities and learning how to improve on the things I am already doing. Staying busy and having a chance to grow...I like that.
So I'll quit here for now. I thank the Lord for my job and cannot think of anyplace else I would rather be going to work tomorrow or any other people I would rather be working with.


Jason said...

I read it all, Rob. ALL of it!!! :)

David said...

Me too- great blog!