Sunday, August 20, 2006

Things Looking Up Today

Yea! Today was a good day...a nice break from the routine these past two weeks. First of all, Brooke felt good enough to go to church today. She had two big pillows to sit on and stayed seated pretty much the whole time, but that's an improvement. She's been a little depressed being in constant pain and not being able to do anything. I think today brought back hope. Lots of people have been praying for her, and more prayed for her at church today. We thank our friends for praying and the Lord for moving on Brooke's behalf. We have a Dr. appointment and an appointment with the chiropractor tomorrow.

We had good grub for lunch today, too. Amanda and I ate at the Newcomers' Reception after church and Brooke started on some wonderful chicken a friend at church fixed for us today. (Thank you to those of you who have fixed meals, too).

After lunch, I took a nap which felt wonderful. After that, Amanda and I went out geocahing...the first time in two weeks! (see stats after today) Man, this was a great way to relax and take a break from the hectic schedule these past two weeks. Thank you, Lord, for a good day. Think I'm ready for the week now. And we're believing we're gonna see more improvement in Brooke's back, so that will make for a good week, too.

So here's a few photos for the week:

The torture continues. Yes, Boo literally has a monkey on her back...Amanda Kay strikes again!

The cousins are visiting. My parents are camping this weekend, so we're keeping their dogs.
Left to right: Buster, Ralph, Boo, Dooley, Sully

Ralph making himself at home with Sully and me

Sully letting Brooke know he is "there for her" as she recuperates from back problems

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