Thursday, August 31, 2006

Bye-Bye, Tom

Well, my experiment at MySpace, short-lived as it was, is over. I did not like going to my "space" and seeing an ad for a dating service with a seductive-looking lady staring at my friends visiting my site. I tried to keep it clean by setting up my site so that I had to pre-approve comments before they were posted. But when I went to the page to approve appropriate comments, there were more pictures even more inappropriate than what was staring at my friends on my page. And then today, I got an event invitation. The picture that came with it had a lady who was laying down so you couldn't "see it all", but she weren't dressed! And the links that came with the invitation explained quite clearly that she wasn't so "modest" if you visited her site.

So it was all too much for me...and I let Tom know. I guess he's the guy who started MySpace or at least runs it?
There are 60,000+ MySpace members in a group called Tom, Change the Advertising, but it seems he ain't heard 'em yet. I was a part of this group for the few days I was part of MySpace, and I had planned on being an activist for this cause. But then the porn started getting delivered to my door (i.e. my MySpace Inbox) and well...I don't want to play the fool.

So I am here to stay at Blogger. I figured out how to customize my template a little, and that made me happy. And then just tonight I found out I could take the slide show I liked so much on MySpace and post it here, so's all good. Bye-bye, Tom.

- Rob

1 comment:

Jason said...

Good Decision, Rob! Seriously!