It's not like I'm depressed or anything, but I am sad. Spring Break is over and Amanda has to start back to school tomorrow. I am a family guy. I like doing stuff (racquetball, shooting, geocaching, etc), but all of those things are secondary to my family. We had a great time camping at Cedar Hill State Park on Thursday night and doing family stuff the rest of the weekend (like cooking our left over Smores in front of the fireplace). So tomorrow, it's back to the routine: Amanda to school, Brooke and I to work, home from school, dinner, HOMEWORK, play time, bath time, bed time...same thing next day.
But enough sad. Here are some happy pictures from our camping trip:
Amanda enjoyed playing in "her room" in the camper
You may notice that Sully looks slightly paranoid. He did not know how Mr. Stan felt about doggies on the furniture and asked me to set the record straight that this was a posed picture...Mommy made the dogs hop up for a picture because she was worried we did not have a picture with Sully in it since he was not as adventuresome as Boo.
Grilling chicken for Thursday night dinner. Sully would not have wanted to be by himself, so he was glad to be along for the ride. Boo, on the other hand, showed she LOVED being camping dog. a camper
Here's the one geocache we did at the park while camping
Stopping at Sonic for lunch on the way home from camping
Cooking our left-over Smores in front of the fireplace on Friday night