Saturday, December 30, 2006

Something to be Said for a Sense Of Anticipation

We drove back from Alabama 11-12 hour drive depending on stops. I couldn't help but notice that the sense of anticipation we had when we were leaving Texas for Alabama was not there. We are very glad to be home, but the trip home is just not the same as the trip there.

And as we were taking down the Christmas tree today, I commented to Brooke, "This is not near as much fun as putting it up with the Christmas music is playing and all." I couldn't help but notice that the sense of anticipation we had putting up the Christmas decorations was not there as we took them down.

I was thinking about this a bit more as I carried the Christmas tree into the garage for storage. I'm very glad I live under the New Testament covenant as opposed to the Old, but I got a new perspective today. I never much thought about the ANTICIPATION the Old Testament saints lived under. What must it have felt like for Simeon and the wise men as they saw thousands of years of prophecy fulfilled right before their eyes!

I don't guess any of this is too profound, but I gained a new perspective coming back from Christmas vacation and putting away Christmas decorations. There is something to be said for a sense of anticipation.

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