Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Did You Blog It, Daddy?

Before going to bed tonight, our proud little tooth-puller asked me if I had blogged about her feat last night. I told her no, but I would tonight. So here it is...a picture of Amanda's missing tooth (bottom row, just right of center). But this one is special...it is the first one she pulled all by herself.

The tooth has been loose for a while and Amanda was determined to pull it herself. Brooke was out with friends last night when the tooth got real loose. Amanda showed it to me and then started crying, "please don't tell Mommy!" (literally crying). A note of explanation: I do NOT pull teeth, for some reason it grosses me out. I did not like loosing teeth as a kid because I thought it was gross. So Brooke has been the tooth puller at our house. There was that one time I had to hold Amanda down on the ground, but Brooke did the actual tooth pulling.

No before you put two and two together (the duct tape picture from a couple days ago and the whole pinning your child down thing), let me explain. Amanda usually wiggles her tooth until it is bleeding real good (like she did last night) and then just stalls and will not pull it out. She wiggles it, cries, whines and stays up late playing with it, but she will not do the deed. Finally we cannot take it anymore and Brooke yanks the thing out.

Last night, Amanda wiggled it around and I put her to bed because I knew she would not pull it. Two minutes after praying with her and coming back to my office, she was out of bed showing me her bleeding tooth (where she had begun wiggling it right after I left her room). Short version, I got the pliers out and "convinced" her it would be to her benefit to pull her own tooth. Three minutes later she came running to me to show me her accomplishment! Mommy brought the dollar home to put under her pillow. (Actually, she didn't go get a dollar...she bummed one off one of her friends. But you didn't hear that from me).

Six teeth down and I don't remember how many to go.

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