Thursday, December 27, 2012

Fun At The Park, Help At The Bank

Amanda got a new camera for Christmas and she wanted to go down to the river today to take some pictures. It was pretty cold, but we went anyway.

It's Thursday...that means it is haircut day. And no hair means a cold head. You do what you gotta do!

Amanda taking pictures.

More picture taking.

After taking pictures, we went to play on the playground for a little while.

This picture reminds me of Buddy the elf trying to sit on furniture at the North Pole.

David and Hannah came over for dinner tonight. 

Browsing the Internet, there is no lack of people who have a strong dislike for Bank of America. BOA has been our bank for 20 years now and they have taken good care of us. Tonight, they exceeded my highest expectation and I am so thankful for their help.

I got an email early this evening letting me know that our bank balance had dropped into the red. I keep a CLOSE tab on our accounts, so I knew this was not right. A quick check online discovered almost $600 in fraudulent card had been compromised. BOA covers their customers in situations like this and we are not responsible for fraudulent charges if we report them and help prosecute them. My biggest concern was the 48 hours it could take to get the money credited back to our account since we are supposed to travel home this weekend. I explained my concerns to the agent on the phone and, to make a long story short, BOA released their hold on the fraudulent charges that will likely go through tonight. This will all get sorted out in the next few days, but by releasing the hold on these pending charges, BOA allowed me to go to an ATM tonight and withdraw our money. If our account goes back in the red tonight, all fees will be reimbursed and our account will be credited for the charges, but the main thing is, I was able to get money to get us home. BOA will not only credit those charges back to our account, and are pursing the investigation for us (which most banks do), but they went the extra mile to help us get home. Thank you Bank of America!

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