Wednesday, December 16, 2009

12 of 12 - October 2009

7:45 AM - Writing Amanda's napkin poem for the day.
Yea! Finally
It’s back to school I go
My fever’s gone and I feel good
From my head down to my toe.

8:28 AM - My usual Monday morning routine...counting offering with Tammy.

9:30 AM - Installing new safe.

10:09 AM - The Monday morning prayer ladies. I always set up their table and chairs.

12:13 PM - Eating a bologna sandwich and chips while listening Rush Limbaugh (streaming radio on my phone).

12:30 PM - The doggies like it when we come home for lunch and they get out of their crate and get a little extra love.

1:29 PM - So thankful Harry made this purchase for the church before he retired. MUCH easier than dragging out the GIANT A-frame ladder (the two man A-frame ladder I should say).

4:22 PM - Me cleaning the sanctuary windows (yes, from the outside)

6:46 PM - Boo always comes to offer moral support when I working on stuff at home.

6:46 PM - Boo always comes to offer moral support when I working on stuff at home.

6:59 PM - God's food!

7:37 PM - Dropped a HOT french fry off the tray when I took them out of the oven to stir them. Boo wolfed it down before I could grab it. Everything seemed OK...for about 5 minutes then up it came...and came...and came...and...well, you get the idea.

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