Wednesday, October 25, 2006

There Is a Reason It Is Pushed

You may have seen the can find it on Youtube. I'm still trying to figure out Proposition 2 in Missouri that all of the hub-bub is about. Claire McCaskill says that the bill is about allowing stem cell research and that her opponent, Jim Talent, wants to make this illegal. Others say the this is ridiculous because stem cell research is currently going on in Missouri and is not illegal now. Leave it politicians to muddy the waters.

But you've gotta is a cheap shot to bring out the victim of a disease and have them say "so and so does not want my disease cured...they want to stop the only that that will find my cure." The issue behind all of this is embryonic {requires the life of an embryo} stem cell research. While researching this issue, I came upon this article that talks about how adult stem cell research offers overwhelmingly more hope in the treatment of disease.

So why is embryonic stem cell research being pushed so much more? Is this just a front for abortion? I guess that sounds like a conspiracy theory...or maybe just politics. But read the article again. Continuing to push the embryonic stem cell research over adult stem cells does not make sense. There must be a reason it is being pushed.

- Rob

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