Saturday, April 30, 2022

Fresh Start 2022 - Miracles Begin (Part 3)

 From my Storyworth collection

When God started talking to me about the changes taking place in my life, He clearly said, “You don’t have the plan. You don’t have the money. Any path you choose is going to require faith and is going to require miracles.” I decided, if that is the case, I want to recognize and record the miracles. The following is taken from my 4/18/22 journaling as I started recording the first miracles. (This is taken directly from my journaling).

“Lord, You told me on the 29th that You would bless whichever of those three paths I chose. You said any path would require faith and would require miracles. I took You at Your word and said OK. It is interesting that the “it will require miracles” did not scare me. I guess that in itself confirms another word that You gave me telling me that the storms Brooke and I have faced in the past have built our faith to equip us for this. The thing with Brooke’s job was one of the most awful to go through, but You showed Yourself so faithful and strong. It was impossible for us to make it in the natural, but You provided. You not only provided, but You (true to Your Word) used it for our good.

Which leads me to the miracles. I want to record the miracles that You do for us in this journey. One of the first ones would be BROOKE’S NEW JOB. The enemy tried to destroy her, but You sustained us for a year, gave her a much-needed break, provided a good job she enjoys at a place where is she appreciated, and now a raise to the highest paying job she has ever had. Just when we needed it the most. Thank you, Jesus!

Secondly, the connections You are bringing as I pursue real estate. That first hour long PHONE CALL WITH JENNIFER LINDER was so encouraging and a confirmation that You will take care of us. To have a dear friend who has become a success in this field, who is willing to invest in me, who has high-level skills and will help me as I grow in this…nothing short of a miracle.

I originally included PASTOR DON CONNECTING ME WITH THE CARRILLOS as a part of this “connections” or “mentors” miracle, but it is different in that it is helping me get set up and connecting me with what seems to be an excellent broker for starting out. And that first phone call with them, investing an hour and a half with me, listening, encouraging, sharing practical wisdom and praying with me. This connection and phone call was/is a miracle and a confirmation that You are going to take care of us.

At the last Cop Church, I was so excited and then You began talking to me about a “decrease in my ministry” for a time (which I have come to understand now means a ministry sabbatical). I could not picture my life without cop ministry, but You began showing me You were closing that door. While I was still struggling with this, Nicholas text and said he found A NEW HOME FOR COP CHURCH if it is needed. You worked so gently with me to help me see the door was closing for me, but You were protecting this ministry that is so near and dear to my heart. I am still processing this loss, but I see Your hand in it. Thank You for taking care of Cop Church and thank You for the gentle way you showed me the door is closing.

As I began to understand that You were calling me to a ministry sabbatical, the last and hardest area to lay down was ACAPP, in particular my briefing visits. {We had not finalized our church plans at this point}. I accepted it (but had not really processed it) when I started talking to Robert Muszynski last night to tell him I would soon stop my briefing visits. It wasn’t until we started talking that I saw another miracle, how YOU RAISED UP ROBERT MUSZYNSKI AT WEST STATION to continue ministry to officers there. In all the years I’ve been doing briefing visits, nobody has shared my passion for it until Robert started this last year. He has the passion and the anointing. Laying this down is the hardest and I’m still in the numb phase, but I see Your hand and I’m thankful.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Read and standing amazed with you. Thanks for journaling.