Sunday, July 07, 2019

12 of 12 May 2019

12 of 12 - I got the idea from somebody else and modified it. My 12 of 12 is 12 pictures for each of the 12 months of the year (I print a 12 picture collage each month). It is really fun in January to look back over the previous year.

May 3 - I was at the pet store and somebody came in with a bearded dragon (which I have always thought were cool!). As the pet store employees were talking to the customer with the beardie, they mentioned they had one in need of adoption. Long story short...I told Amanda about it, she said, "Let's go get him." Brooke, super-thrilled (heavy sarcasm), said "OK" and we (Amanda, Canaan and me) went to get him. #SpurgeonTheBeardedDragon

May 3 - Double-date with Jeremiah and Taylor. Went to Rodeo Goat and then hung out in downtown Ft. Worth for a while. #GoodFriendsFunNight

 May 5 - Look who is (almost) 4 weeks old. The photographer came to the house and he did a great job getting pics. #JamesWasNotThisPeacefulInRealLifeButThePhotographerWasGood

May 12 - This is what Amanda got Queen B for her first Mother's Day as a grandma. #BrookeLovesBeingAGrandma 

May 12 - James' first trip to Buc-ee's definitely required a picture with the beaver. What's not to love about a day with family AND getting to go to Buc-ee's? #FamilyDayAtBucees 

May 21 - We call this his "mean-muggin" face. Brooke thought it was hilarious to post this picture on Facebook and let everyone know that "look of love" was directed my way. #JamesMeanMuggin' 

May 22 - Earlier in the year, my best friend Craig told me he had joined Weight Watchers again. I was just getting bigger and bigger, feeling worse and worse all the time. Years ago, I lost 50 lbs with Weight Watchers, so I knew it worked for me. I was inspired, signed up and committed to doing this. As of May 22, I've lost 25 lbs. #GettingCloseToHalfWayThere 

May 24 - Weenie can't give anybody a "mean muggin' look"...she just "stares into your soul" as Canaan says. #LookAtThatFace 

May 24 - Canaan and I went for a 10 mile bike ride along the Trinity River Trails. Of course...I forgot to take a picture until we finished our ride! #CanaansFirst10MileRide

May 26 - The Happy McQuagge my office at church (do you see the 12 of 12 posters on the wall?). #SundaySelfie 

May 26 - Daniel & Ludmilla were in the States from Russia and shared at the church about the work there. We have known Daniel from when we first started attending Vine Fellowship (Trinity New Life Fellowship back then) when he was preparing to go to the mission field. #MissionariesToRussia 

May 29 - Puppies sharing the attention with James Levi. #ThatsMySpot 

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