Saturday, March 29, 2014

12 of 12 February 2014

12 of 12 Basic Idea - 12 pictures from your life on the 12th of every month. This month, the 12th was on a Wednesday.

9:18am - This is what "Me, hard at work" often looks like. I am multi-tasking (working on the computer while taking a selfie).

11:53am - Trip to Foster Hardware

12:17pm - Freckles the gecko and her crickets for lunch

12:54pm - A little Daddy/Sully time at lunch.

1:49pm - Pastor Scott disrespecting the hat again (he likes to take it and hide it).

1:51pm - Pastor Scott changing the marquee in preparation for the New Orleans missions team fundraiser.

5:10pm - Me stopping in to say "hey" to my best friend.

5:42pm - Me and "some random guy off the street". Somehow the youth never got to see Pastor Scott dressed like this.

6:33pm - Studio Grill serving kiddos before Kidz Live and Rooted Student Ministries.

7:38pm - Just out of camera view is Barbara, who is watching the little ones on Wednesday night. The kids were obviously having a blast.

7:48pm - This is what the kids at Kidz Live came up with during Mrs. Brooke's Olympic Games series.

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