Sunday, January 15, 2017

12 of 12 January 2017

12 of 12 Basic Idea - 12 pictures from your life on the 12th of every month. This month, the 12th was on a Thursday.

6:02 am - This is what I woke up to this morning. Brooke gets up about 20 minutes before me so Samson wakes up. When my alarm goes off, he let's me know he is ready for the day.

6:30 am - A little time with Jesus to start off my morning. I use Professor Horner's Bible reading plan. 

6:54 am - Doggies in their spot waiting for me to get their breakfast ready. 

 6:59 am - Thursday is head and beard trimming day.

7:33 am - Yeah, we stopped to pose at the light for this picture. There are not usually this many smiles on the way to school. 

10:50 am - Lawn guys filled bags and bags and bags of leaves...too many to fit in the dumpster. They stacked the bags behind the dumpster and I've been filling the dumpster, getting and extra pick-up an filling it again this week

1:12 pm - Meeting with Pastor Steve 

5:19 pm - Came home from work to a house that was smelling good! 

5:36 pm - Chicken, rice and broccoli (for those who like broccoli). Yum! 

7:21 pm - A spontaneous nap happened. 

8:35 pm - I'm a big fan of Amazon's customer service, but this was a rather frustrating conversation trying to figure out how to get Alexa to find/play Michael W Smith's I 2 (Eye) album on Amazon Music Unlimited. The weird spelling keeps Alexa from being able to find it and the app does not allow the user to browse the Music Unlimited library. Somehow the overseas associate did not seem to understand what I was asking. 

11:17 am - Sammy has gotten pretty shaggy with his winter coat so I trimmed him up a little bit. He doesn't mind haircuts at all...just more attention for him.