Saturday, January 01, 2022

What Is Storyworth


At the end of last year (2021), I began seeing links for Storyworth in my Facebook feed. The basic idea is that once a week, Storyworth will send you a prompt or question such as "What was your favorite job growing up?" or "What were your favorite cartoons as a kid?" or "Describe your father as you were growing up". You can either answer the question, pick a new question from the list, or make up your own question to answer. 

When you set up your account, you can select people who will receive each answer/story you write. At the end of the year, Storyworth will print all of your questions and answers into a nice book and send it to a person of your choice. My wife, daughter and mother receive an email copy of my question/answer each week, and at the end of the year, my daughter will receive the printed book. I thought it would be a fun way to share parts of my life she may not have heard. I have decided I will share my Storyworth questions/answer on my blog as well. 

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