- Is anybody really going to base their theology on this far-out, obviously fictional book?
- How can I use this to share with my unsaved friends?
- Oh my goodness...do Christians I know really not know the answers to the questions they have asked me after reading the book?
- Is this book changing the way our society thinks about Christianity, is it merely amplifying some of what our culture believes or just a good conspiracy theory?
I don't know if this really answers any of the questions I asked above, but the one thing that stuck with me from this first session was something a history professor said on the DVD. He said {not a verbatim quote} "If Dan Brown were writing a history of WWII, Hitler would be the victor, Churchill would be on trial in London and Roosevelt in Washington."
I guess that does summarize my feeling about the book to a point. Yes, it's a novel, but historically it just NEVER HAPPENED THAT WAY. And the subject Dan Brown lies about is one that I have based my life around. If someone wrote a novel that said Hitler won WWII, I would want to make sure that person knew it just wasn't true. The same is true about the incredible story Dan Brown has made up about Christ. I want to make sure my unsaved friends know fact from fiction in the hope that they can come to know Christ. I want to make sure my Christian friends know the difference because I hope they are also talking to their unsaved friends about the claims of this book/movie. And this is why I'm glad my church is hosting these discussion groups...if we were to announce an apologetics class, I don't think many people would sign up. But talk about a movie and people will get into the discussion. And doctrine, what we believe about God, is important.
- Rob
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