Saturday, January 21, 2006

It Just Didn't Do It For Me

Brooke and I went out for my birthday Friday night. We used a Christmas present we had received from friends...a gift card to Saltgrass Steak House and a movie card. Brooke let me pick the movie since it was for my birthday, and I (unfortunately) chose Munich.

I'm not a movie critic, and actually, who cares what a movie critic has to say anyway? I like the kind of movies I like and you like the kind of movies you like and critics like the kinds of movies they like, I guess. But having said all of that, I really did NOT enjoy the movie, and neither did Brooke for that matter. I guess the main problem was the movie was just too long for me. Thus, the story moved along too slowly and there was not enough action (although "action stuff" happened, it was too far in between). I don't just didn't do it for me.

- Rob

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