Thursday, June 30, 2005

Once Again, No Before and After Picture

It appears George and I are turning the cleaning out and organizing of the "food pantry" into a three week job. The "food pantry" is the name for the storage space behind the platform at church. We used to have a food pantry where we actually kept food to give away, but when we began running out of storage space, we had to take over the food pantry. Although it has not stored food for five or six years, we still call it the food pantry.

Anyway, it's been on my list of place to clean out and organize since taking over my new position, but after cleaning the attic and two temporary storage units we have I was not very motivated. The first week we got most of the shelves cleaned and inventoried all the paint we store back there. Today we took down peg board that held up 12 yard signs and moved it to the back where it was not in the way. We carried some stuff out to the storage units and arranged a bunch of "stuff"...and we've still got the area under the baptistry to clean.

The "food pantry" is looking a lot better, but once again I took no before and after picture. One of these days I'll learn.


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